| 1. | Curative effect observation on 36 cases of cerebral infarction treated by sequential therapy 三仁汤联合氟嗪酸治疗伤寒临床研究 |
| 2. | Clinical study on over - strained stranguria prevented and treated by the sequential therapy of tcm 中药序贯疗法防治劳淋临床研究 |
| 3. | The sequential therapy of azithromycin in the children with mycoplasma pneumoniae infection 阿奇霉素序贯治疗小儿肺炎支原体感染 |
| 4. | A clinical study on azithromycin sequential therapy in the treatment of mycoplasma pneumonia in children 阿奇霉素序贯治疗小儿支原体肺炎 |
| 5. | Cases of sequential therapy with azithromycin in the treatment of children ' s mycoplasmal pneumonia 阿奇霉素序贯治疗小儿支原体肺炎60例60 |
| 6. | Observation of safety for hormone intermittence cycle sequential therapy for perimenopausal syndrome 激素间歇周期序贯疗法治疗围绝经期综合征 |
| 7. | An economic evaluation of sequential therapy with cefuroxime for children with lower respiratory infection 头孢呋辛序贯治疗儿童下呼吸道感染的经济学评价 |
| 8. | Clinical effects of sequential therapy of levofloxacin on community required lower respiratory tract bacterial infection 左氧氟沙星序贯治疗社区获得性下呼吸道细菌感染疗效观察 |
| 9. | The treatment of ischemic necrosis of the femoral head by sequential therapy of quot; zeng gu quot; i , ii and iii : a clinical observation 号序贯疗法治疗股骨头缺血性坏死的临床观察 |
| 10. | The clinical observation on the efficacy of azithromycin - roxithromycin for sequential therapy of community acquired pneumonia in children 罗红霉素序贯疗法治疗儿童社区获得性肺炎疗效观察 |